The Chat Analytics group of reports provides an essential solution for monitoring and understanding your team's performance. You can utilize our ready-to-use curated reports or use a combination of metrics from the following modules to create your own reports:


This article explores each module and highlights the benefits they offer for optimizing your team's performance.

Conversations Module

The metrics under the conversation module include data that allow you to analyze everything about your conversations, from understanding the agent performance to analyzing chat traffic.

The list of metrics that you can find under the conversation module are:

Attribute Name

Attribute type




A new or reopened (after resolution) conversation thread in a channel

First response time (bhrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken after agent assignment to send the first response, considering the business hours. 

If no agent is assigned and the first response has been provided, the first response time will be calculated based on:
1. the time the conversation was initiated or 

2. the time the conversation was handed over by the bot.

First response time (chrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken after agent assignment to send the first response. 

Time taken after agent assignment to send the first response, considering the business hours. 

If no agent is assigned and the first response has been provided, the first response time will be calculated based on:
1. the time the conversation was initiated or 

2. the time the conversation was handed over by the bot.

First group assignment time (chrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken post-initiation to assign the conversation to a group

First group assignment time (bhrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken post-initiation to assign the conversation to a group (only including business hours in time calculation)

Resolution time

Metric, filter, group by

The time from the first agent assignment to resolution. If the agent responded before assignment or if there's no agent assignment, it's the time from conversation creation or bot handover to resolution.

First agent assignment time (chrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken post-initiation to assign the conversation to an agent

First agent assignment time (bhrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken post-initiation, to assign the conversation to an agent (only including business hours in time calculation)

Interaction time

Metric, filter, group by

The time from the first agent assignment to the last agent response. If the agent responded before assignment or if there's no agent assignment, it's the time from conversation creation or bot handover to the last agent response.

Wait time (bhrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to get first response from the time conversation was initiated (only including business hours in time calculation)

Wait time (chrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to get the first response from the time the conversation was initiated, regardless of the business hours

CSAT score

Metric, filter, group by

No. of stars selected by user on CSAT survey

Response time (bhrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken by the agent to respond to subsequent user messages after the first response is sent (only including business hours in time calculation)

Response time (chrs)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken by the agent to respond to subsequent user messages after the first response is sent, regardless of the business hours.

Agent responses


Count of agent messages across conversations

User messages


Count of user messages across conversations

CSAT responded at


Count of conversations where a CSAT was provided

Agent reassignment time (bhrs) (only including business hours in time calculation)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to re-assign a chat to another agent after the first assignment

Agent reassignment time (chrs) (only including business hours in time calculation)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to re-assign a chat to another agent after the first assignment, regardless of the business hours

Group reassignment time (bhrs) (only including business hours in time calculation)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to re-assign a chat to another group after the first assignment

Group reassignment time (chrs) (only including business hours in time calculation)

Metric, filter, group by

Time taken to re-assign a chat to another group after the first assignment, regardless of the business hours

Group assigned at

Filter and Group by

The time at which a group was assigned to a conversation

Reopen type

Filter and Group by

Reason for a conversation getting reopened -New, Customer Reopen, Agent Reopen, DSAT Reopen

Member assigned at

Filter and Group by

Timestamp when interaction was assigned to an agent anytime(new or reopened)

First member assigned

Filter and Group by

Timestamp when an interaction was first assigned to an agent (new or reopened)

Initiated at

Filter and Group by

Timestamp when interaction was created (new or reopened)


Filter and Group by

Current status of the conversation: Unassigned, Assigned, Resolved, Deleted, Any (includes all interactions)

Resolved at

Filter and Group by

Timestamp when interaction was resolved (new or reopened)

Within business hours

Filter and Group by

Whether the interaction was initiated within business hours. True or False


Filter and Group by

Platform from where the conversation was initiated: MOBILE, WEBCHAT, FACEBOOK_MESSENGER, WHATSAPP, FB_NATIVE, ABC, LINE

Issue resolved

Filter and Group by

Yes or No response to CSAT question

Group name

Filter and Group by

Chat group to which the interaction is assigned

Label Category

Filter and Group by

Label category applied to an interaction post-resolution

Label Subcategory

Filter and Group by

Label subcategory applied to an interaction post-resolution

CSAT Score

Metric, filter, group by

No. of stars selected by user on CSAT survey

Agent email

Filter and Group by

Email ID of the agent profile

Agent timezone

Filter and Group by

Timezone in which the agent's profile has been set up

Agent Name

Filter and Group by

Name of the agent

Interaction id


Unique identifier for every interaction on chat

SLA policy id


Unique identifier for an sla policy 

Agent responses


Count of agent responses on an interaction

SLA compliance rate


Count of interactions that adhered to the SLA policy 

First response SLA breach


Provides the count of interactions where SLA breached due first response not going within the specified time

Next response SLA breach


Provides the count of interactions where SLA breached due next response not going within the specified time

Issue reopened


Yes or No response to CSAT question

Response due type


Identifier to understand if a conversation has first response due or response due 

Initiated at


The timestamp at which an interaction was initiated

Offline conversation


Flag to identify if an interaction was triggered during offline hours



The channel on which the conversation was initiated

CSAT received by


The name of the agent who was assigned to the interaction when CSAT was provided

Channel topic


The channel topic on which the conversation was initiated

First response by


Name of the agent who provided the first response

First response assigned group

Filter, Group by, and Underlying data

The group assigned to the conversation at the time the agent provided the first response.

First response at


The timestamp at which the agent sent the first response 

SLA policy name


The name of the SLA policy applied to the conversation

SLA policy type


The policy type applied to a conversation - First response, every response 

SLA breached at


Time at which SLA was breached for an interaction

conversation status


Current conversation status of the interaction - Open, Waiting on the customer, waiting on internal team, Resolved

Assignment status


Current assignment status of an interaction- Assigned or unassigned

Resolution actor type

Filter, Group by, and Underlying dataIndicates whether the resolution was handled by an agent, through automation, or by a bot.



Classification of an interaction into one of the options configured on the Type conversation property

Resolution actor subtype

Filter, Group by, and Underlying data

Offers a detailed breakdown of the resolution actor type, specifying the category of automated resolution.

Priority id 


Unique ID corresponding to each priority status

Conversation priority


Priority assigned to a conversation - High, low, medium

Survey name


The name of the survey, as configured on the survey builder, that was sent to the user

Assigned agent during resolution (Available from 5th Mar 2024)

Filter and Group by

Name of the agent who was assigned to the conversation when the conversation got resolved
Resolution action performed by (Available from 5th Mar 2024)

Filter and Group by

Name of the agent who performed the resolution action

Messages Module

The Messages module contains metrics that help you analyze the conversation messages, enabling you to enhance the message quality and reduce resolution time.
The metrics available in this module are:

Attribute name

Attribute type




Count of messages sent in an interaction

Message Type

Filter and Group by

The message type (carousel, drop down, calendar, image, attachments, private note, mention, etc.)

Sent By

Filter and Group by

Nested: User (name), agent (name), API, BOT

Response Time


Time taken by the agent to send a response after the last message from the user.

Sent At

Filter and Group by

Timestamp when the message was sent

Chat Availability

The Chat Availability module contains metrics that let you learn from customer interactions and help you analyze or compare agents’ availability and productivity, allowing you to distribute resources accordingly.

The metrics available in this module are:

Attribute name

Attribute type




Amount of time an agent was active on IntelliAssign (in seconds)

Start time

Filter and Group by

The timestamp at which the agent was marked active on IntelliAssign

End time

Filter and Group by

The timestamp at which the agent was marked inactive on IntelliAssign

Agent email

Filter and Group by

Email ID of the agents' profile

Agent name

Filter and Group by

Name of the agent

Agent group

Filter and Group by

Group to which an agent belongs

Freddy Copilot Module
This module provides data driven understanding of adoption and usage of copilot features by agents and to what. extent. 

Attribute name
Attribute type




Amount of time an agent was active on IntelliAssign (in seconds)



Count of conversations where Freddy copilot features played a role - either by agents proactively showing an intent to use a feature or through the proactive suggestions by the system

AgentsMetricCount of agents who utilized copilot features

Conversations influenced by suggestion based featuresMetric
Count of conversations where agents accepted suggestions provided by proactive quality coach or solution article suggester

Agents using suggestion based features
Count of agent who accepted suggestions provided by proactive quality coach or solution article suggester
Conversations influenced by quick access features
Count of conversations where agents showed an intent to use a copilot feature . The features included are- Rephrase text, Summarize conversation, Enhance tone, Expand text
Agents using quick access features
Count of agents who showed an intent to use a copilot feature . The features included are- Rephrase text, Summarize conversation, Enhance tone, Expand text, Conversational Knowledge Base
Suggestions provided
Count of suggestion provided by the system for proactive quality coach or solution article suggester features
Freddy copilot
Count of unique events that match the provided the filters
Unique identifier
Filter, group by, underlying data
A unique identifier for every suggestion provided by the system
Unique request id
Filter, group by, underlying data

A unique that is generated every time an agent shows an intent to use Rephrase text, Summarize conversation, Enhance tone, Expand text, Conversational Knowledge Base
Event initiated at
Filter, group by, underlying data
Timestamp corresponding to every suggestion or acceptance by the system or user
Agent id
Filter, group by, underlying data
Unique identifier corresponding to an agent
Conversation id
Filter, group by, underlying data
Unique identifier corresponding to a conversation
Feature nameFilter, group by, underlying dataName of the copilot feature being used
Event typeFilter, group by, underlying dataProvides information on the intent behind an event , it contains four values - 
1. Suggestion provided - if solution article or proactive quality coach suggestion is shown by the system or if the agent uses any of the proactive intent based features 
2. Suggestion accepted - If suggestions are shown by the system for proactive quality coach or solution article suggester 
3. Suggestion rejected - if the suggestions shown by the system for proactive quality coach or solution article suggester are rejected by the user 
4. Suggestion partially accepted - if the suggestions shown by the system for proactive quality coach or solution article suggester are partially accepted by the user (a few suggestions are accepted and others are rejected)
Action performed by - EmailFilter, group by, underlying dataEmail id of the user who performed the action
Action performed byFilter, group by, underlying dataName of the user who performed the action
Suggested and Usage FlagsFilter, group by, underlying dataCategorizes each event as suggested, rejected or accepted, the labels are: Suggestions provided, Suggestions rejected, Used by agents

Sentiment Analysis Module

Provides sentiment related data at a conversation and agent level

Attribute name
Attribute type


Freddy conversations
Metric, Filter , group by, underlying data
Count of unique conversations
Beginning Sentiment numeric
Metric, Filter , group by, underlying data
Provides an average beginning sentiment value on a scale of 3. 1 -> Negative , 2 -> Neutral , 3 -> Negative
Ending sentiment numeric
Metric, Filter , group by, underlying data
Provides an average ending sentiment value on a scale of 3. 1 -> Negative , 2 -> Neutral , 3 -> Negative
Conversation id
Filter , group by, underlying data
Unique conversation id
Filter , group by, underlying data
Unique conversation identifier , this has a 1:1 mapping with conversation id (can be used to aggregate at a conversation level on analytics)
Resolution type
Filter , group by, underlying data
Provides information on the mode of resolution - agent, auto_resolve, , api_resolved
Filter , group by, underlying data
Provides the initial channel of conversation (webchat, facebook, whatsapp , instagram, phone)
Conversation statusFilter , group by, underlying dataCurrent status of the conversation - Open ,waiting on customer, waiting on internal team, or resolved
Channel TopicFilter , group by, underlying dataName of the topic from which conversation was initiated
Updated atFilter , group by, underlying dataTimestamp of the last update on the conversation
Resolution actor typeFilter , group by, underlying dataProvides on information on the actor who resolved the conversation - agent , system or automation
Conversation initiated atFilter , group by, underlying dataTimestamp at which the conversation was initiated
Initial User SentimentFilter , group by, underlying dataThe initial user sentiment for a conversation - Positive, negative , neutral
Closing User SentimentFilter , group by, underlying dataThe closing user sentiment for a conversation - Positive, negative , neutral
Label sub-categoryFilter , group by, underlying dataValue of the label sub category of the conversation
Label categoryFilter , group by, underlying dataValue of the label category of the conversation
Agent nameFilter , group by, underlying dataName of the currently assigned agent
Group nameFilter , group by, underlying dataName of the currently assigned group

Note: Business hours define the operational window during which agent activities are measured. If business hours are added to reports, time outside these hours is excluded for metrics like First Response Time, Resolution Time, and Wait Time, ensuring the metrics reflect only active working periods.