Supported file format: .csv/.xlsx only. Please convert all your files into a .csv/xlsx before attempting to import data to the web application.
There are 4 important things that you'd need to know about when you import sales goals from a file. They are described in detail below:
Preparing your CSV/XLSX file
The first row of the file will be treated as the header. Make sure the header rows have all the mandatory columns.
Fields available for mapping
Mandatory fields
- User email - Email of the user to whom the goal will be assigned
- Goal type - Specify whether it is a User goal or a Team goal
- Goal period - Whether it is a Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly goal
- Goal start date - This should be either the first day of the week, month, quarter, or year depending on whether the period is weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly
- Goal end date - This should be either the last day of the week, month, quarter, or year depending on whether the period is weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly
- Target - What is the target of this goal (Must be a number)
- Team - This field is mandatory when the row contains a team goal
- Activity - The sales activity for which the target has to be set
b. Optional field
Outcome - The outcome of the sales activity selected
Note: The difference between the Goal start date & Goal end date should be one week, one month, one quarter, or one year depending on the goal period. For example, if you are setting a goal for the month of September 2021, then the goal start date should be 09/01/2021 and the Goal end date should be 09/30/2021.
To import team goals:
- You would need to have value as Team under the Goal type column and the team name under the Team column
- You need to have a row for each team member. In case you miss adding a team member in the file, the user won’t be considered as part of the team goals
- Summation of individual team members goals will be the team goal
Importing the file
Go to Deals Management > Activity Goals
Click on Add Goals dropdown and select Import goals.
Upload the CSV file and click This . presents you with a mapping screen where you can map the fields in the file with the fields of your application.
Click to commence importing the goals.
Why did some of my data not get imported? (Reasons for failure of data import)
When importing sales goals, these are the possible reasons for the failure of data import:
Invalid user email: If the user is not present in your system or the email is in incorrect
Wrong goal start date: If the Goal start date is greater than the Goal end date
Wrong goal end date: If the Goal end date is in the past
Long-range: When the Goal start date and Goal end date is greater than the goal period