Note: If you have signed up for your account after 24 April 2023, please visit the following article: Customizing Agent Status
An agent's status determines if they can make/receive calls and becomes the deciding factor to route incoming calls in your account. You can choose you status within the phone widget. Only an agent/user who is available/online can make or receive calls.
There is a set of default and custom agent statuses for the phone. The difference between default and custom status is that, unlike a default agent status, you have the option to enable/disable a custom status.
The default and custom statuses are enabled for all the users in your account, which means users can choose to set their status from the available status options. However, when you disable a custom status, it will be hidden for the agents to choose from.
Default agent status
The list of default and custom statuses are
Status Name | Status Type | Description | Available to take Calls? |
Available | Default | Indicates that the agent is logged in to the account and is available to make/receive calls. | Yes |
Busy | Default | Indicates that the agent is currently attending a customer call. When an agent attends a call, their status is automatically set to busy. | No |
After Call Work | Default | Indicates that an agent is performing post-call activities such as adding call notes/tags. Once a customer ends the call, the agent's status automatically changes to After Call Work (ACW) until the agent closes the in-conversation widget. | No |
Forward to Phone | Default | Indicates that the agent is available to take calls on their personal phone. Note: Though this is a default custom status, it can be enabled only on request. If you want to enable this status for your account, reach out to | Yes |
Offline | Default | Indicates that the agent has not logged into the account. | No |
Meeting | Custom | Indicates that the agent is logged in to the account but is attending a meeting, and hence cannot make/receive calls. | No |
Break | Custom | Indicates that the agent is logged in to the account but is away for a break, and hence cannot make/receive calls. | No |
Training | Custom | Indicates that the agent is logged in to the account but maybe attending training, and hence cannot make/receive calls. | No |
Lunch | Custom | Indicates that the agent is logged in to the account but is away for lunch, and hence cannot make/receive calls. | No |
Adding a new custom status
In addition to the default custom statuses available, you can add new custom statuses and enable them for the agents in your account to use.
Log in to the web application.
Go to Admin Settings > Account Settings > Agent Statuses. Here you can see the list of default and custom statuses available.
Click on New Agent Status.
Enter the status name and select a matching emoji.
The new custom status added will now be visible for your agents in their accounts.