You to carry out bulk actions on deals on the web application. You can also use filters to narrow your list of deals before you use the buttons from the bulk actions tray. However, bulk actions can only be carried out in the view. It cannot be carried out in the pipeline view.
Improve your team's productivity using bulk actions on accounts.
Bulk email
You can use email templates to save time, placeholders to personalize the email, save the email as a bulk draft, and even schedule it to be sent at a specified time. Click here to learn more about sending bulk emails.
Assign to
- This button assigns all the selected contacts to a user in your team.
- The user becomes the Owner of the assigned deals.
- You can choose the user from the drop-down in the Assign To overlay.
- You can also assign all tasks and appointments from the current owner to the new owner.

In the Update field dialog box, choose a deal field from the drop-down that you’d like to update.
Enter the value for the field.
If it’s a drop-down or a radio button, you can choose the value from the choices displayed under the dropdown.
Click Save.
You can also make use of this API to update your account
- Click the Delete button. This brings up the confirmation dialog box.
- In the confirmation dialog box that appears, click Yes to delete the deals.
Deleted deals will be moved to the recycle bin, where they will be retained for 30 days before being permanently removed from the CRM from where they can be restored.
You can also make use of this API to delete your deals.
Add tags
- To add or remove tags for all selected deals, click the dropdown icon next to the Add tags option.
- You can now assign or remove a new tag by choosing the relevant option and clicking Save to apply the changes.