With Account 360 in Freshsales, you can get a holistic view of an account and an in-depth context of your business customers within the CRM right from the Accounts page. You can prospect and nurture the business relationship and drive both new and expansion revenues easily with the 360 view of the account.

  • Know the associated contacts and the key stakeholders in the business

  • Understand the revenue potential, data of past deals, and the products purchased

  • Get insights into the account’s history of interactions with your sales team

  • Track the various sales activities related to the account

The details page of an account contains three sections:

  1. Action bar

  2. Overview

  3. Account information

Action bar

You can perform important actions like sending an email, placing a call, or adding a task/meeting/related record from the Action bar.

The actions that can be performed from the Action bar are subject to plan and role permissions. For example, If you don't have access to the Task module, you won't be able to add a task from the Action bar.

Action buttonDescription


Place a call to the number business number and other associated phone numbers

TaskAdd to-do's or tasks for you and your team
MeetingScheduling a meeting with your contact
Add call log

Document notes from the previous calls related to the account

Create a custom sales activity

Create sales activities as per your business process

Add dealAdd new deals and related records
Add contactAdd new contacts and related deals

You can also use the ellipsis icon to perform the following additional actions:

Switch to Classic UI

Click on the Switch to Classic UI button on the Action bar to roll back to the previous version of the Accounts Module.

Overview section

The overview section gives you all the important information about the particular account.


1. Only Account administrator and Administrator roles can customize the Overview section for all users.

2. The Notes column is fixed and cannot be used as a column to add fields/highlight cards.

How to customize the overview section?

To customize the Overview section,

  1. Click on Customize overview button

    2.  Choose the section that you want to customize
    1. Tags can be made visible or hidden.

    2. You can select the Account related fields to be displayed.

    3. You can manage the cards you want to see in the overview. You can add new cards by replacing the default cards shown. You can also reorder the cards by moving them.

Account 360 comes with an intuitive card view for associated Deals, Contacts, Products, Meetings, Recent Conversations, etc. For example, the Deals card helps the users with the details about the history of past deals, deal status, products associated and the value of the deals associated.

You can click on the Deal highlight tag to open the Deals section of this account. 

Once you are in the Deals section, you can view all the associated deals and the related information. You can also filter out deals by Product or Deal stage.

Note: When a user clicks on the Deal highlight tags and lands on the Deals section of the Account, the deal filters are auto-applied based on the deal clicked. For example, if the user clicks on a deal that is in the won stage for a product called Customer Service Suite, then the filter will be auto-applied for product as Customer Service Suite and Deal stage as Won.

Other sections under Account Information

1. Account Details
You can click on the Account Hierarchy icon next to Account details to view the associated child/parent accounts. Learn more

You can switch between 2 views: All details and Basic information

You can add details to any missing field or edit existing information like website, phone number, or sales owner field inside the Account Details section by clicking on the edit icon next to a field. 

2. Recent conversations

Under Recent Conversations section, you can find the history of interactions with the associated contacts of the account. The logs include interactions across all the channels like email, SMS, phone calls, etc.

When users click on the ellipsis icon, they can also find the quick actions for a contact.

3. Activities
From the Activities section, the following tabs will appear:

  1. Activity Timeline

The activity timeline is a tab that lists all the interactions the contact has had with your website, web app, and even with your sales and marketing persons. So, when you would like to follow up on a contact, a quick glimpse at the contact’s activities timeline would help you understand the engagement level of the contact from the emails received, pages viewed, demos requested, webinars attended, meetings scheduled, etc. You can view tasks and take action on them.

           b. Notes

Notes help get insights into Contacts/Accounts/Deals and help during record transfers between users. You can view all the notes related to the record from the Notes tab.
 The most recent note will be displayed in the Summary section.

             c. Tasks

Tasks enable your teams to work in tandem with each other. Assigning tasks to multiple users ensures the team can collaborate and complete the task even when the owner is unavailable. You can also add to-dos for yourself and keep track of your pending items. Add a new task and filter and view tasks - All, Upcoming, Overdue, and Completed.

d. Meetings
You can view all your meetings here and add new ones. You can also filter them by Upcoming, Overdue, and Completed. At the conclusion of a meeting, an outcome can be added in the Edit Meeting overlay as Interested, Left message, No response, Not interested, or Not able to reach. Click here to learn more about how you can add meetings to the CRM. You can also add Zoom video conferences to all your meetings and join them from the CRM.

4. Related modules
You can add the following related modules in the Account Details section: 

  1. Related Contacts

  2. Related Accounts

  3. Related Deals

  4. Related custom modules

On each page, you can view up to 25 records. Click through pages to view all your related records. You can also customize the columns per your choice.

5. Files

Upload and associate files with the records in the CRM. Click here to know more about files.

6. Freddy AI Insights
With Freddy AI insights, you can view the following details about the Account:

  • Possible duplicate records - The deduplication functionality, which is powered by Freddy, proactively looks for, detects, and displays duplicate records using a smart match algorithm.

  • Possible Connections - Freddy identifies contacts from the same organization in the CRM based on their email addresses.

7. Apps in marketplace
You can add integrations of your choice from Marketplace.