In this article

  • Assign individual accounts to a CSM

  • Assign accounts based on rules

  • Assign accounts to the CSM from the Account segment page

  • Assign accounts to the CSM from the Accounts details page

  • How account assignment affects reporting

The accounts in Freshsuccess can be assigned to the CSMs in multiple ways from the product. Once the CSM is assigned to an account, they would be able to own the goals, tasks on the account, and action on them.

The Account Assignment page allows you to assign, unassign, or shift accounts between CSMs. You can conveniently view a list of accounts currently assigned to a particular CSM, or accounts that have not been assigned to any CSMs, or leverage the "Advanced filter option" to assign a list of accounts matching any attribute to a CSM, e.g. Tier 1 accounts with current health score below 50.

The Account Assignment page shows a list of active users who have the "Can be assigned accounts” permission in Freshsuccess and the number of accounts that are currently assigned to them. They are usually the primary users of the platform and are responsible for managing the post-sale relationship with your customers.

To assign accounts to your CSMs, click "Assign Reps":

Assign individual accounts to a CSM

  1. Select the CSM from the “Please select a rep” dropdown.

  2. In the "Accounts NOT assigned to rep" table, choose to view accounts by different filters:

No-one - Accounts that have not been assigned to any CSM

Other CSMs - Accounts that have been assigned to other CSMs

Advanced filter - Filter accounts based on rules (see more details below)

  1. Select the accounts from the list and click "Assign".

Assign accounts based on rules

If you'd like to assign accounts based on certain rules, you can use the "Advanced filter" option. This feature allows you to create a list of accounts matching any criteria and assign that list of accounts to any CSM.

For example, you can create a list of accounts that are currently in the "onboarding" stage and have MRR over 5k. Click "Apply filter" to show the list of accounts currently matching this rule available for assignment. You can then assign this list of accounts to the CSM you select.

Assign accounts to the CSM from the Account Segment page

You can quickly assign an account to any CSM from the main Account Segment page. Select the accounts you wish to assign and choose the CSM(s) from the "CSM Assignment" pop-up window.

Note: one account can be assigned to multiple CSMs at the same time.

Assign the account to the CSM from the account details page

You can directly assign an account to the CSM from the Account details page by clicking on the three dots on the top right corner and select “Edit Account”. Within here you would have the Account Assignment option.

How Account Assignment affects reporting

In Freshsuccess, an account can be assigned to multiple CSMs. When reporting CSM level metrics such as MRR, # of accounts, renewal amount/rate and churn amount/rate, it calculates the metrics based on the accounts that have been assigned to a particular CSM.

If an account is assigned to multiple CSMs, the reporting will include this account for each CSM involved. For example, when one CSM closes a churn alert for that account, the affected MRR will be attributed to all the CSMs to whom this account is assigned. The same will be when the account is successfully renewed, the renewed MRR will be counted towards all the CSMs that own this account.

When reporting the total MRR, overall churn rate, renewal rate etc., Freshsuccess calculates the metrics across all accounts - not across all CSMs - regardless of the multiple assignments. FDCS does not double count e.g. MRR towards the global total where multiple assignments are present.