is a review collection and management platform that helps businesses gather, manage, and display customer feedback. The platform enables companies to collect verified reviews from their customers, which can be showcased on their website or social media channels.

How to integrate with Freshmarketer?

  • Go to Admin Settings > Integrations> Marketplace Apps.

  • On the Marketplace page, you can search for and find that application.

  • You need to fill in the API Key and your e-commerce store domain (For the API Key, you need to go to your Shopify page > Click on the Apps > Search for REVIEWS .io and click on it. Under that, click on Integrations > Search for API. Here you can find the API Key and the Store ID.)

  • Once you fill in the API Key and your e-commerce store domain, click on install, and the application will be installed. 


  • You must integrate your application on your e-commerce storefront before installing the application from the Freshworks marketplace. 
  • You must set your email template flows on your application on Shopify to capture the reviews and the ratings for a contact in the CRM.

List of events and properties available as part of the & Freshmarketer integration?

Available as (in CRM)

Event Properties


Note: There are two underscores after Reviewsio

Review ID
Review Type

Order ID

Product Rating

Review Comments

Reviewer Email

Product SKU


All the event properties will be available as 'placeholders' when you send out an SMS or a WhatsApp campaign. But for emails, you will not have the above event properties as merge tags. In the section below, we have explained how you can create tags when you send out an email to your customers. 

What are the benefits of integrating with Freshmarketer?

  • Enhanced customer segmentation: Segment customers based on the reviews they've provided, enabling targeted marketing strategies.

  • Personalized communication: Tailor messages to customers according to their specific feedback, improving engagement and satisfaction.

  • Reward positive reviews: Encourage customer loyalty and advocacy by rewarding those who leave positive feedback.

  • Address negative feedback: Proactively reach out to customers with negative reviews to understand their concerns and improve their experience.

  • Improve online reputation: Utilize positive reviews in marketing campaigns to build trust and attract new customers.

  • Data-driven decision-making: Leverage customer feedback to make informed business decisions and enhance products or services.

  • Boost customer retention: By addressing feedback and personalizing communication, increase the likelihood of repeat purchases and long-term customer relationships.

Let's take a look at an example

As a store owner, you want to reward customers who have given you a 4-star or a 5-star rating.  Here is how you can execute this with the Freshamarketer & integration:

  • Go to Segments > Create Segment > Fill in the name for your segment 

  • Click add conditions, choose custom events, and choose the condition "reviewsio_product_review_created"

  • Click on filter conditions, choose the product rating condition, and fill in the rating as 4 and 5 (You can use the greater than = condition)

  • Once you execute these conditions and click on save segment, the new segment will be created
  • Go to Journeys > Create Journey > Fill in the journey name 
  • Choose the trigger as “added to a segment” and choose the segment name 
  • Choose the action as “Send WhatsApp” and choose the template (here is how you create WhatsApp templates) from the pre-existing WhatsApp templates (for example: Thank you for giving us a great review! Here is a coupon code that you can use to avail a discount on your next purchase)


  • The event properties are available directly from the merge tag sections for SMS and WhatsApp campaigns. When you are setting up an email template, the event properties will not be available directly from the merge tag section. Below is an example of how you can include the event properties in an email template. 

    • Go to Marketing Automation > Journey Emails

  • Choose from any of the pre-defined templates or click on create from scratch
  • Once you choose your template, use the below tags to pull the product name and the rating for the product.
    • {{event::Reviewsio__ProductReviewSubmitted::Product Rating}} - To pull the rating
    • {{event::Reviewsio__ProductReviewSubmitted::Product SKU}} - To pull the product name

                Note: There are two underscores after Reviewsio. 

  • Fill in the sender name, subject, subscription type, and pre-header for your email 

  • Ensure that you add the footer details for your email 

  • After you save your footer details, click on the publish button

  • The email is now ready to be used as part of the marketing journey