You can add an external phone number to the existing call queues and IVRs. This will help you forward incoming calls to external numbers. This is important when using a mix of in-house and outsourced teams to manage call volumes. 

You can transfer calls to an external number by following below steps: 

1.  Add an external number to a call queue. 

2. You will see the “Add external number” button once you start typing an external number. 

3. Forward incoming calls to an external number

If an external number is configured in the calling workflow and the agent has set the status to Forward to Phone. In this case, if a call is made to the number linked to the above call workflow, the call would ring on the external number configured in the call workflow and not to the number the agent has set in Forward to Phone.

Additional call charges will be incurred while forwarding calls to external numbers and while forwarding to the phone from Freshcaller.