Once you bring your team into Freshchat, you can use Agent Groups to organize them better. This is useful for multiple reasons:

  • Automatically route conversations to the right teams or use IntelliAssign
  • Manage conversations across multiple groups using inbox views
  • Make better use of reporting tools with agent groups to understand how different teams work

Groups are a way to organize your teams. You can have agent groups for Sales, Support, Marketing, etc. 

  • Log into Freshchat as an admin
  • Go to Admin Settings > scroll down to Users and Permissions > Groups
  • Click on the Create group button
  • Enter the group name and description
  • Select the agents you want to add to the group
  • Under Chat preferences, select the Business Hours you want to apply to this group
  • If you want to set a limit to the number of calls that will be assigned to this group, toggle the Set incoming call limit for group option.
  • Click on Create group

  • If you want to edit or delete groups, click on the three dots next to the Group

  • While editing the group, you can set up Business Hours for your different teams. This will help your customers know when your business is available (to expect instant responses) and when you're away (to expect asynchronous conversations). 

Note: Business hours for Groups is available only from the Pro plan.

  • You can also use groups to manually assign conversations (from the Team Inbox) or to automatically route incoming messages (using Automations or IntelliAssign) to different Groups. Agents who are part of the group and are available can start conversing to help customers out.