Filter and segment your contacts based on contact properties and events. The extensive segmentation allows you to target the right audience for your campaigns and journeys.

To create a Segment

  • Click on Contacts and Accounts on the sidebar > Segments > Create Segment button
  • A pop-up will ask you to give a name for your new segment
  • You can create your new segment with specific conditions, which include
  1. Website visits
  2. Contact properties
  3. Related account properties
  4. Journey events
  5. List activities
  6. Email activity
  7. Landing Pages
  8. WhatsApp activity
  9. SMS activity
  • You can add any number of conditions with an AND / OR boolean match type in between.
    • All: Contacts that match all the configured conditions will get segmented. 
    • Any: Contacts that match any of the configured conditions will get segmented. 
    • Groups: You can add any number of groups with an AND / OR boolean match in between. 
    • All: Contacts that match all the configured groups will get segmented.
  • Whenever your contacts fit into these segmentation criteria, they will be added to this segment and appear wherever you choose to use the segment — more about this later.

Event types:

  1.  Website Visits: Segment contacts based on which pages of your website they have visited, in varying frequencies

  2. Contact fields: Segment contacts based on the values of your contact fields. This includes both the default and custom contact fields.

  3. Related Account Properties: You can create segments based on the related account properties of contacts in the CRM.

  4. Journey: Segment contacts based on their status on your marketing journey. This allows you to include contacts who have entered or exited a journey on a specific time period. You can either set ‘Anytime’ or select a specific time period.

  5. List: Segment contacts based on the list you’ve imported. The two match types available are Includes and Excludes. All the lists you have uploaded will be populated on the dropdown.

  6. Email activity: Segment contacts based on their email activity for a specific period of time. 

  7. Landing Page activity: Segment your contacts based on the pages from which they have submitted forms.

  8. WhatsApp activity: If your CRM is integrated with WhatsApp, you can add and create segmentation based on specific events.

  9. SMS activity: If your CRM is integrated with an SMS provider, you can add and create segmentation based on specific events.

  • Click the Save Segment button to take the segment live. The contacts which satisfy the conditions provided will get segmented.

Using segments while creating a campaign

  • Choose segments while creating an email campaign.
  • Click the recipients dropdown and choose a segment of your choice.
  • Multiple lists and segments can be chosen as recipients.

Personalize a campaign based on the segments 

The campaigns can be sent in a personalized manner for each contact segment. Click the Personalize For dropdown in the DESIGN section of your campaign and select campaigns to make specific changes. The contacts on the segment will receive the personalized email you’ve created. 

Using segments in Journeys

  •  Added to a Segment: Include a segment into your journey by choosing from the list of available segments. 

  • Is in Segment: This condition can be used to check whether the incoming contacts on the block are part of the chosen segment.

Choose a segment from the dropdown. The incoming contacts into the condition block will be checked if they are part of the chosen segment.

Note: The bulk upload of contacts may take a little while to get reflected inside the Segments module. This is based on the uploaded file size.