Journeys in Freshchat is a visual representation of the journey your contacts go through to achieve a goal. For example, your marketing teams can build customer journeys to nurture leads who open an email. 

  • To start, click on the Customer Journeys icon on the sidebar. You will see a list of all your journeys, as well as a set of templates that you can customize — these are called Playbooks. Each Playbook will mention which team should use it, who the target audience is, what goal it can help you with, and so on.

  • You can also create a new journey from scratch — by clicking on the Create from scratch button — if the existing templates do not appeal to you.
  • This brings up the dialog box where you can assign a name to the journey. Once you’ve assigned a name to the journey, click Create. This opens the journey builder.

  • On your journey builder, create a workflow using the blocks mentioned below.


Use trigger blocks to initiate an action based on field conditions. The trigger conditions offered include:

  1. Email Activity

  2. Added to list

  3. Added to segment

  4. Contact field matched

  5. Removed from list

  6. Page visit

  7. On Shopify event

  8. Form submitted from FB: You can trigger journeys when a contact is created from a Facebook lead form.


Use Actions blocks to perform an action based on triggers. The actions offered include:

  1. Send email campaign

  2. Add to list

  3. Update contact field

  4. Remove from list

  5. Webhooks

  6. Add deal

  7. Update deal

  8. Send WhatsApp message

9. Send SMS campaign

10. Send chat or bot message


Use Conditions blocks to check for field properties and trigger actions accordingly. The conditions blocks offered include:

  1. Check email activity

  2. Is in list

  3. Is in segment

  4. Check contact field

  5. Check Shopify event

  6. Check page visited

7. Form submitted from FB

8. Check if it's a visitor


Manage the traffic with controls blocks: The following controls are offered:

  1. Add a time delay

  2. Add delay by contact date field

  3. Split traffic

  4. Wait for Shopify event

  5. Exit journey


Add context to your journey blocks. Use annotations to define journey steps pictorially. For example, if you are creating a journey for eCommerce, you can use annotations to call out why an SMS subscription condition has been added. This makes it easier for marketers to understand why a particular trigger has been added.

Here’s a list of all the annotations that are offered in the journey builder:

  • With the Settings button, you can enable your contacts to enter the journey once or multiple times. If enabled your contacts will enter the journey whenever they match the conditions you have enabled for the journey.

    For example, if you set up a journey for all website visitors to receive a welcome email whenever they reach your landing page, sending them one consolidated email every week might be enough. However, if you've set up the journey to remind existing customers to activate their accounts, you may need to remind them every time they log in without activating their accounts.

    f there are errors in the journey, your web application highlights the blocks that need attention by displaying an exclamation mark. The exclamation marks disappear once the errors are fixed.

  1. Once you’ve configured the journey, click the Start Journey button 

  2. Your journey is now live and will bring in contacts. However, if you wish to schedule the journey to begin at a different time, select Schedule journey.