The web application allows you to set up Heatmaps to track website interactions and understand which sections of a webpage gathered more attention than others. The article will help you create your heatmap and click map reports with the web application.

Note: To set up Heatmap experiment on the web application, please ensure that your CRO Add-on is activated and the tracking code is embedded inside your website 

Follow these steps, to set up a heatmap experiment:

  1. On your left panel, click MARKETING AUTOMATION button and select Heatmaps.

  2. Click the Create Heatmaps button. This opens the dedicated Heatmaps page. You can find a list of all running experiments on this page. If there are no running experiments, your page will be empty. Go ahead and create your first heatmap.

  3. Click the button. This brings up the Create Heatmap dialog box. 

  4. Give a name to the experiment and click . This takes you to a page where you can configure the heatmap experiment. 

    Note: Heatmap experiments can be run only if the tracking code is embedded in your website. To learn how to embed the tracking code in your website, refer to this article

  1. Add the URL on which you wish to run the heatmap experiment. You can also select options for URL targeting

    1. Simple Match - Default match type used to target a page on a site.

    2. Exact Match - Targets a URL with a query parameter.

    3. Regex - To use the RegEx functionality for targeting pages with a pattern match.

    4. Substring -Target all pages which contain the given substring.

    5. Custom trigger-  Activate heatmap experiment when a particular event happens or when a condition is met on the specified page.

  2. Exclude URLs (Optional)- Mention the URLs of the page(s) to be excluded from your experiment. By default, no URLs are excluded.

  3. Set Traffic limits (Optional)- By default, traffic included in the experiment is set at 100%. Change the percentage(%) of traffic for this experiment by adding a relevant value.

  4. Set schedule (Optional)- The heatmap scheduler option lets you set up conditions to start and end a heatmap experiment. This requires a scheduled date and time or visitor limit to be set as an end condition for the experiment. The experiment eventually stops on reaching any of the two conditions.

  1. Click . This commences the experiment and presents you with a success notification.

    Dismiss the notification by clicking Okay, Got it. You will be taken back to the CRO dashboard where you can get a view of all ongoing experiments

You will be taken back to the CRO dashboard where you can get a view of all ongoing experiments.

1. Be mindful of the protocol involved while typing out the URL(http:// or https://).

2. Take care to include the exact URL. For eg, if the URL you want to test is  take care to include the final “/”. Excluding it might interfere with the experiment.