You can automatically assign contacts/deals/accounts/leads to users without having to manually assign them when a record gets created or imported or updated in the web application. The users in this case refers to the sales owners of the records inn question.

Auto-assignment rules can also be applied to a territory, if you want to group contacts or deals from the same country or if they belong to a specific industry or a particular lifecycle stage.


Configure auto-assignment rules

To configure auto-assignment rules,

1. Go to Admin Settings > Teams & Territories > Auto-assignment rules. This opens the auto-assignment rules page.

2. Select a module on the left - Contacts/Accounts/Deals. Click the Create rule button on the top right.

3. Add a name and description to your rule and choose the module to which the rule applies. You can choose between one of three– Contacts, Accounts, and Deals.

4. Configure your rule by using the module fields as filter conditions. Enter or select value(s) to satisfy the rule. Say, for a Contacts module, if you have selected the field ‘Subscription types’ and the condition as ‘is in’, then the value can be ‘Newsletter’. You can add more than one condition, and these conditions can be set to follow either an AND or an OR condition by switching the toggle. You can remove a condition by clicking the minus icon to the right of the condition selected.

5. Choose the Territory to which the rule applies and the users in the territory will auto-populate. You can select the users to whom the records will be assigned in a round-robin fashion and remove other users. Whenever the rule identifies a matching record, it will be successfully assigned to the aforementioned users. If you don’t want to add a territory, you can leave it blank and add the users alone.

6. Click Save and Activate to make the rule live.

1. You can add any number of conditions to a rule. The rules follow an AND/OR condition. A rule is assigned to a record only when the condition/s of the rule are matched
2. If a territory is deleted, users are not removed in the rule. If a territory is removed from the rule, all users are removed.
3. If both the territory and owner fields are empty, run the rule. If both are filled, skip the rule. If territory is filled but the owner is not, then run the rule. If owner is filled but territory is not, run the rule only if the owner and record belong to the same territory. 

Configure advanced conditions for assigning records

With advanced conditions in auto-assignment rules, you can group rules together with AND or OR conditions. The CRM will check for multiple conditions in one go before assigning the records to the mentioned users. 

Here’s an example of how you can set up advanced conditions to assign all Contacts with Country as US and Mobile/Email is not empty. 

Prioritizing Rules

Rules are executed based on their priority. When a contact matches the criteria for two or more rules, the rule with the highest priority will be assigned.

On the Auto-assignment rules list view page, you can reorder and re-prioritize rules by assigning a PRIORITY number in the box on the left. The rule with number ‘1’ is the highest in priority followed by the rules with higher values in the sequence. 

For example, say there are three rules– US-East, Industry type, and Employee size– and you would want all your incoming contacts to match with the US-East rule before being reassigned elsewhere. In such a case, setting priority '1' for US-East would ensure that all contacts entering web application will first be matched with US-East before being matched with any other rule.

1. Only active rules can be prioritized.
2. Click ‘Enter’ after providing a priority number.

Rules with no conditions

You can add rules without conditions. 

  • When you don’t add conditions to a rule, all the records are automatically associated with that rule and are assigned to the users in that rule. 

  • If you have multiple rules, the records are run against the conditions of the other rules (based on priority), and if they do not satisfy any of those conditions, then they get associated with the rule with no conditions.

Edit, Clone and Delete Rules

On the Auto-assignment rules list view page, click on the three dots icon beside a rule and choose between - Edit, Clone and Delete. The web application gives you the option to edit any configuration in the rule. Once you have edited, click on Save and activate. The newly created records will get matched based on the edited rule. You can also find the details regarding the user who has modified the rule and the time of modification in the Auto-assignment rules list view page.

If you need to create multiple rules containing similar conditions or the same users, use the clone option to make a few changes on top of an existing rule. If you want to remove a rule permanently from the web application choose Delete, and on the confirmation message, click Yes.