Note: If you have signed up for your account after 24 April 2023, please visit the following article: Adding Holiday Calendar

The holiday option is available within the business hour setting for phone and allows you to add holiday calendars specific to your company. Based on the declared holidays, you can route the calls and decide what action to take. 


For example, you can redirect all the calls coming during the holidays to a specific IVR menu or leave a voice message and later attend to customers during the normal working hours.

Creating a holiday calendar

  1. Log in to your web application.
  2. Go to Admin Settings > Account Settings > Business Hours. You will see the list of business hours available in your account.
  3. Hover over the business hour for which you want to add holidays, and click on the edit icon. To configure a new business hour, see Configuring your Business Hours.

  4. Under Add Business Hour, click on the Add Holidays option.
  5. In the pop-up window, click on the Add Holidays link and enter the date and occasion of the holidays you want to add.
  6.  After adding the holidays, click Save. You can see the added holidays under the Business Hour Details.

Note: Since business hours and holidays can vary based on geography, you can add a separate holiday calendar for each business hour in your account.

Configuring holiday routing

Holiday routing allows you to redirect calls to alternate lines that may be available just for the holiday, play a voicemail message suitable for a specific occasion, or temporarily divert calls to a queue that operates during the holiday. 

To enable holiday routing:

  1. Before configuring holiday routing, ensure that you have added/declared holidays for your business hours. For instructions, see the section above.
  2. Go to Admin Settings > Channels > Phone > Phone Numbers. You can see the list of numbers in your account.
  3. Hover over the number for which you want to enable add holiday routing and click on the Edit icon.
  4. You will see the number properties and call the actions tab. Switch to the Call Actions tab.
  5. Click on the Business Hours option and select the business hour for which you want to enable the holiday routing. If you do not have any business hours configured, create a new business hour.
  6. Click on the Action (during holidays) option and select the action to take if you receive calls during holidays. The options are:
    • Send to call queue: Select this option to route the call to a call queue. You can select a queue from the list of available in your account or create a new call queue.
    • Send to IVR Menu:  Select this option to route the call to an IVR menu. You can select an IVR name from the list available in your account or create a new IVR menu.
    • Send to Voicemail: Select this option to play a prerecorded voice message to your customers. You can select from the list of messages available in your account or create a new message.
    • Send to Agent Extension: Select this option to route the call to an agent extension call flow. You can select a flow from the list available in your account or create a new agent extension flow.

    • Hangup: If you do not want to take any action, you can simply choose to hang up the call with a hangup message. This can be used for configuring calls outside your business hours or during holidays.
  7. Click Save Changes.