You can create contacts in the web application by simply sending an email. The email address will be associated with a contact.
However, you can also create new contacts by simply forwarding your sales emails to a custom email address provided by the web application that goes like this [email protected]
When you forward your emails to this address, the senders are not only added as contacts, but their emails are also associated with their profiles in the web application.
To convert your sales emails into new contacts,
Login to the web application as an Administrator.
Go to Admin Settings > Channels > Emails > Create contacts from email
By default, Your sales email field is pre-populated with your custom email address which is also your reply-to address. If you’d like to use a different reply-to address, replace it with an email address of your choice from the list of addresses that show.
You can forward your emails to this email address. Learn more about forwarding emails.
You can choose the Lifecycle stage in which the contact will be created.
You can also choose which contact you’d like the emails to be associated in case duplicates are detected.
Oldest records - The sender’s first record created in the web application.
The record with most activity - This works best when you have duplicates or if the sender is a contact. If the sender is most active on only one of the records, the emails fetched are only attached to that record.
All the records - This invariably attaches the emails received to all the records that match the sender’s email address.
If the sender’s email address does not have any matches in the web application, the sender then becomes a new contact and the email is attached to the contact’s Conversations.
You can also prevent the addition of junk contacts by excluding specific email domains.
Note: The senders of the emails are searched for matches in the web application and if a match is found, the email is attached to the Conversations of the records found. New contacts won’t be created if matches are found for the email address.
Use cases:
Your web application email address comes in handy when,
You’d like to create new contacts via email forwarding.
You’d like to auto-forward emails from your sales email address to the web application and create contacts for the same.
You’d like your peers (who are not users in the web application) to be able to forward emails from prospects they’ve engaged with. They can forward the emails to the web application email address to create the prospects as contacts.
You’d like to fetch emails exchanged between prospects and your sales reps from an external email client to the web application. Forward the email to your web application's email address to attach the email to the Conversations of an existing record.